Thursday, March 17, 2011


I'm so excited.  I absolutley LOVE Thankful Thursdays.  Its so encouraging to hear what big things God is doing for others and what little things everyone is thankful for.  It always puts a smile on my face just thinking about it.  Since its "Thankful Thursday"  I was thinking about being thankful and knowing where to turn to in time of need.  

My sister in law and friend told me once that she was thankful for the knowledge of where her help comes from and for knowing who provides her blessings.  That really stuck with me.  Its important to remember that God supplies the increase.  If we think its something we did or someone else other than God then thats not pleasing God.  He wants us to put Him first above everything.  He wants us to know that He met our need, He provided the blessing, He moved on our behalf.  We must give God ALL the honor and glory in everything.  I'm sure my sister in law had no idea how much her words meant to me or how much I took them to heart but I knew it was God speaking to me and I listened....   (thats my word of the year heehee)

We moved to this area about a year and a half ago.  When we first came we thought we're gonna do this, we're gonna start that and just had tons of ideas and excitment.  We still have tons of ideas and plenty of excitement but things didn't happen as quickly as we thought for sure they would.  At first I just didn't get it.  I thought Lord why would you send us here to work in this church when no one wants to come.  There have been a lot of times when it was just our family, our deacon's family and one other couple.  That was and sometimes still is so hard to handle.  I have a different outlook on things now.  We are still going through this but I know God has already started moving.  Once I got myself out of the way I realized God has had some preparation to do.  He's laying the foundation.  We weren't ready for massive growth when we first got here.  God has had some work that still needed to be done on us.  We have to be ready for God to use us according to His will and in His time. 

So I'm having patience.  I know that God is going to bless our efforts.  I know that He sent my husband here for a reason and that He has a great work for this church.  I know that God will supply the increase.  It won't be from us or our talent or efforts.  It will be for the honor and Glory of God.  I believe that one day this church will be a pillar in the community.  A refuge for the weary.  A place to find JESUS!!  With all my heart I believe this.  We may not be here for that.  Our work may have been just laying the foundation but I am so thankful that God chose us to have a part in His plan.     

I hope that if your reading this you remember where your strength comes from and give God all the glory.  His merciful hand has been guiding us daily and for that I can't give Him enough praise.  Thank you for taking the time to listen to my story.

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