Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I Choose to Serve the Lord

Good Morning!  Everyday I email back and forth with my sister-in-laws.  There are 6 of us all who participate and my niece Beth so 7 altogether.  I live far away from the rest of the girls so it gives me the opportunity to still feel close to everyone.  I am very thankful for them!!!!  Today the first email sent said "I hope you choose to have a wonderful Wednesday!"  The first time I read it I just automatically hit reply all and responded like I normally do.  Then every time I went to my email that one line seemed to catch my eye and it seemed like I just kept reading it over and over.  Then I thought of the verse: Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD

It really hit me this morning.  Do I choose to serve the Lord every day?  To be honest a lot of days I choose myself and my needs first.  I'll wake up so worried about being late and getting the kids where they need to be I don't think about God until everything has settled down and I'm alone in my vehicle or sitting at my desk.  I got so condemned when I realized that about myself today.....  Now I'm not saying that in doing that I'm sinning or not living for God so don't get me wrong.  But, what I am saying is why do I wait to serve the Lord until I've had my morning coffee and things are quiet.  Then I give God my attention.  When its convenient for me.  In Dave's sermon this weekend he mentioned serving God is never convenient.  I got a wake up call today.  My word for the year is Listen.  Lord I heard you loud and clear LOL.  I am going to make a new start.  Today is a new day.  I am going to choose to serve the Lord first each day.  I choose for Him to be the first name on my lips, the first thought in my mind.  I choose to start my day asking God what can I do for Him today not what can he do for me.  I am not going to let convenience  determine my willingness to put God first.   

As for me, I Choose to serve the Lord!!!!

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